Can I Manage My Own IRA?

Can I administer my own IRA

Self-directed IRA custodians allow investors to expand their retirement investment options beyond real estate, precious metals and crypto. But investing in these types of assets may pose unique risks.

Investors must take care to abide by any applicable rules, such as the self-dealing rule (which prohibits an IRA from buying and selling assets it owns with its own funds), when conducting their investments. Furthermore, it’s essential that independent checks be performed on prices and asset values listed on account statements to avoid breaking these laws.

Choosing a Custodian

Custodial fees vary between companies, making it imperative that individuals understand and compare different fee structures. Some custodians charge an annual flat fee while others levy additional fees based on services rendered. It is also wise to account for any miscellaneous costs that might incur in addition to the standard structure.

Customer service should also be an important consideration when choosing an IRA custodian. Find a company with superior customer support that’s willing to work with you to address any problems as they arise, preferably one with strong reputation, positive reviews and an outstanding Better Business Bureau rating.

Your IRA custodian should possess knowledge in the investments that interest you; for instance, if investing in real estate via an SDIRA, make sure they have experience dealing with this form of investment and can answer any of your inquiries regarding it.


Investment is what gives an IRA its strength, so it is vitally important that investors understand all their options when selecting one. A great place to begin would be with an established firm offering alternative investments like precious metals in an IRA account.

Investors should carefully consider their investment strategy and risk tolerance when choosing their investments. Diversifying across various assets – stocks (both individually held or exchange-traded funds), bonds, etc – is usually recommended.

Traditional IRAs allow for tax-deductible contributions that grow tax-deferred until withdrawal in retirement. Small-business owners and self-employed people may find SEP or SIMPLE IRAs beneficial, which allow higher contribution limits than traditional ones based on income or other factors. Employer contributions may also make SEP/SIMPLE accounts attractive options; their contribution limits vary based on income or other considerations.


An Individual Retirement Account, or IRA, provides tax breaks when saving for retirement. Individuals can open either a traditional or Roth IRA; self-employed workers and small business owners can open SEP IRAs or SIMPLE IRAs instead.

These types of IRAs offer greater investment flexibility than 401(k) plans offered at work, yet may involve more paperwork and steps for establishment and management. You should consult with an IRA custodian to gain more information regarding their specific rules and fees.

Self-directed IRAs provide investors with greater investment options, including precious metals, private lending agreements, real estate, cryptocurrency and other nontraditional asset classes that cannot be purchased via traditional IRAs. Unfortunately, these assets require additional IRS regulations and special oversight – however specialized custodians can make these investments simpler to manage while helping you find qualified investment liaisons who know their way around these complexities.


When rolling over your IRA funds, it’s essential that you follow all applicable rules. Otherwise, you could incur both taxes and a 10% penalty fee.

A direct rollover or trustee-to-trustee transfer is the simplest and fastest way to rebalance an IRA, while checks made out directly to your new custodian must be deposited within 60 days or you will incur taxes and penalties.

An indirect rollover is also an option, in which your plan administrator withholds 20% of your balance to pay taxes and send it over to the IRS as a safeguard. Once received, you have 60 days to transfer them into an IRA account or they will become taxable and subject to penalties; this method works best when dealing with small amounts that can be difficult to move around.

Raymond Banks Administrator
Raymond Banks is a published author in the commodity world. He has written extensively about gold and silver investments, and his work has been featured in some of the most respected financial journals in the industry. Raymond\\\'s expertise in the commodities market is highly sought-after, and he regularly delivers presentations on behalf of various investment firms. He is also a regular guest on financial news programmes, where he offers his expert insights into the latest commodity trends.

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