Where Should I Put My IRA Money Now?

An IRA should consist of assets that align with its primary goal: long-term growth. Equity index funds are ideal investments.

Investors should pay special attention to management fees and commissions when searching for an investment provider, and compare prices until you find one with an impressive range of educational resources.

Target-date funds

Target-date funds, offered by many IRA providers, are mutual or exchange-traded funds that invest in stocks (shares of companies), bonds and other types of investments – they’re advertised as an easy way to build a well-diversified portfolio without needing to pick individual stocks or bonds separately.

Named for its projected retirement date, these funds utilize a glide path strategy where their manager gradually shifts assets away from more risky investment classes and toward less risky ones as their projected retirement date approaches.

Critics claim this approach puts your retirement savings on autopilot and does not consider your ever-evolving goals and risk tolerance, which may change over time. Therefore, you may wish to consider using a robo-advisor or online brokerage that provides tailored portfolios more suited for you personally.


Stocks (equities) are financial instruments representing partial ownership in a company. When the stock’s price increases, investors can sell it and make a profit.

As a general guideline, investing more heavily in stocks while young is generally recommended and decreasing your allocation as you near retirement. But it is essential to balance risk against investment time horizon and financial situation before making this decision.

Investors can buy stocks and mutual funds directly into their IRA, but online brokers and robo-advisors make investing simpler by helping create and manage portfolios tailored to your goals and risk tolerance. NerdWallet’s rankings of the best IRA accounts showcase firms with low fees, minimum investments and superior customer service – such as Fidelity, Betterment and Ellevest. While IRA custodians cannot legally offer collectibles such as stamps or artwork as options within an account – some do.


When investing in an IRA, select a provider who provides a wide variety of investment choices. Most large institutions provide access to mutual funds, exchange-traded funds and individual stocks so you can build out a diversified portfolio.

At Firstrade, active traders favor it due to its no-transaction-fee mutual funds and free Thinkorswim trading platform.

Retirement planning specialists can assist you in selecting an asset mix tailored to your investment goals, risk tolerance and time to retirement. Furthermore, they can explain the differences between traditional and Roth IRAs while outlining annuities’ and real estate’s benefits.


Robo-advisors like Betterment offer comprehensive management of your IRA for an affordable monthly fee, including tax loss harvesting and automatic rebalancing. Their algorithms create retirement portfolios based on your risk profile and expected retirement date, giving you peace of mind.

Fidelity, one of the leading providers of 401(k) plans, also provides an intuitive IRA platform. Here, it is easy to view your account balances in one convenient location while taking advantage of no-fee index funds as low-cost retirement investments. In addition, their new Ellevest service provides innovative planning tools designed with women in mind; taking into consideration lifetime earnings curves when providing planning tools.

TD Ameritrade provides active traders with another excellent platform and selection of low-cost ETFs, as well as great customer service and no nickel-and-diming policies.


Most IRA providers provide an array of investment options that are sure to fit into anyone’s retirement portfolio, but finding low-cost funds will help minimize fees that could eat away at your savings over time.

Many retirement investors use hedging strategies in their IRAs, such as covered calls, to generate income on existing shares they already own while protecting against downside risk. It’s important to remember that unlike margin accounts, IRAs do not permit borrowing against your assets, therefore strategies requiring leverage typically won’t be permitted.

Individuals looking for an array of investment choices should explore IRAs offered by E*TRADE and Firstrade, which provide access to no-transaction-fee mutual funds and stocks. For those seeking personalized guidance, Merrill Lynch or J.P. Morgan offer their IRAs in addition to robo-advisor Betterment as options.

Raymond Banks Administrator
Raymond Banks is a published author in the commodity world. He has written extensively about gold and silver investments, and his work has been featured in some of the most respected financial journals in the industry. Raymond\\\'s expertise in the commodities market is highly sought-after, and he regularly delivers presentations on behalf of various investment firms. He is also a regular guest on financial news programmes, where he offers his expert insights into the latest commodity trends.

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